Beloved Icon of Iron

Robinson Iron Mourns the Loss of a Beloved Icon of Iron

Luke Robinson Cast iron, Fountain 10 Comments

One of the great aspects of Robinson Iron is the family atmosphere- in both the literal and figurative sense. There have been three generations of Robinsons who have worked with the company and many other associates who have been with the business long enough to be considered relatives.

No one person, though, was closer to the employees, management, family and iron industry in general than Robert J. Burton.

Robert began working with the Robinsons many decades ago; helping around the residence of Joe Robinson, Sr. to assist with raising the young Robinson boys, Ricky and Joe, Jr. As time passed, Robert started working in the original Robinson Foundry doing anything and everything associated with the foundry business.

When Robinson Iron Corporation was founded by Ricky and Joe, Jr. in the early 1970s as a way to take advantage of the vast pattern collection acquired by Joe, Sr., it was only natural that Robert would move into an active role with the company as no one- and I mean no one- was more familiar with the numerous and wide variety patterns obtained.

Robert continued working at Robinson Iron for several years and well into his 80s.

To know Robert was to love Robert. He cared about his family, his friends and his work. He appreciated all of the opportunities given to him and always kept his word. Robert was a model employee and an even better person.

Chances are if you did any business with Robinson Iron from 1973 to the mid-2000s, you had dealings with Robert in one way or another. Maybe he installed your mailbox, delivered your fountain or perhaps he gave you a tour of the facility. My bet is no matter when or how you met him, you certainly remember his gregarious attitude, bubbly personality and unmistakable laugh.

Unfortunately, Robert passed away on December 31, 2019, after having just turned 90 years young a month earlier. He will forever be missed and never forgotten.

Everyone associated with Robinson Iron sends condolences and prayers to the Burton family. He was a tremendous man and, more than that, Robert was family.


Comments 10

  1. I have so many Memories of Robert! His friendliness and his humor!! When my daddy passed away he came through during visitation and the funeral and reminisced about the times he kept Ross and Ryan along with Elaine and I. RIP Mr. Robert!!

  2. I am so very sorry to read this news. I loved Robert. He was a wonderful man who loved so many and was loved by so many. The world has lost a beautiful friend. Harriet Gee

  3. Mr.Robert was a great man and friend to the Davis family as well as the Robinsons. Robert was always a part of any festivities at our Russell cabin on Governor’s Island Road cooking steaks, fish fries or low country boils. You could always count on Robert to tell stories about our dad and his group of the Bob Hope generation. Everybody and I do mean everybody loved Robert and were blessed by his presence where ever he went. They just don’t make them like Mr. Robert Burton any more.

  4. I had the honor of sitting with him Monday through Friday. He was always telling his stories about the Robinson family. Its like I knew them. He had his moments. I’ve met a few of the Robinson family and they was so sweet. I stayed with him until almost the end. It really was emotionally if you knew how he was before he got sick. He would help and do all he could. It just hurt my heart. He will be truly missed. Fair well for now our friend. See you in the long run. I know you can finally breathe now and walking around with that big cigar in your mouth.

  5. Mr. Robert was a great man and great friend. I spent many days at work just laughing with him back in the 90’s. I am only on of so very many that will miss him dearly. Rest now sir you deserve it.

  6. I worked at The Satterfield Supply for 15 years and Robert was an awesome friend at work and away from work.. I will always remember his amazing and gentle personality!!

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